
Analysis and Testing

The first tests

The first tests

The first analysis tests on the quality of the water inside the displays were carried out in October 1994 with the results illustrated here (click on the image to enlarge it).

In September 1998, adding to our models the possibility of using an ultraviolet filter to increase the quality of the water, we subjected our machines to analysis again with the results shown in the image below.

Microbiological analysis In the summer of 2000, an in-depth and long analysis of the validity of the Fiordacqua displays was certified by the prestigious University of Salerno Department of Food Chemical Engineering under the direction of Dr. Marisa Di Matteo who performed tests on all our models, documenting and confirming them effectiveness:

Conservation of cut flowers

Conservation of cut flowers

Manager: Marisa Di Matteo

Collaborators: A. Balduccini, O. Cossia, D. Albanese, M. Del Vaglio, P. Orilio, M.T. Rapacciuolo, V. Rotundo

Results of the research: Treatments have been designed and developed with natural and synthetic resin solutions which, by acting on the physiology of the flowers, slow down their maturation processes.

The solutions were called "Almasil" and "Alsimar", the first specific for gerberas and flowers with predominantly herbaceous stems, the second for roses. The tests continued directly in the cooperatives indicated by Se.S.I.R.C.A., Cooperativa Masaniello (Ercolano) and Cooperativa Gardenia Gardenia (Castellammare). We thus moved from laboratory experimentation to in-company experimentation.

The trials of sending roses (treated with our technology) to the European and American markets have been highly positive. Experiments have been started using refrigerated planters. This is to be able to maintain the characteristics of freshness and quality of flowers for a long time even during display in supermarkets, hotels and in marketing.

The research will continue by optimizing the pre-treatment and conservation conditions of other flower species and bouquet garni.

External collaborations: University of Naples. Masaniello Cooperative, Gardenia Cooperative (Pompei), Fior d'acqua s.r.l. company

Financing sources: C.N.R., Campania Region (Se.S.I.R.C.A.)

Publications: By Matteo M., Donsì G., Crescitelli A.
Natural resin solution for prolonging the shelf-life of cut flowers
Patent SA99A/000018 issued on 10/25/1999

Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Crescitelli A.
Treating polymeric solution to prolong the preservation of cut flowers
Patent SA99A/000019 issued on 10/25/1999

Fior D'acqua - Prolunga la vita dei fiori Affi - Associazione fiorcoltori e fioristi Italiani Fiori Italiani Locanda Jole Consolato onorario del Messico nella repubblica di San Marino Gabriella Flowers - Yacth flowers supplies