
Exhibition capacity

The best answer for every need of florists

Fior d'Acqua exists in many models and sizes because each florist has his own need for the quantity of flowers to display, so we give you some indications to identify the most suitable one for you.

This table is indicative because the varieties of flowers and sizes are very different and the floral habits are very different throughout Italy.

If you send us a photo of the corner of your cut flowers in the shop via email it will be easier to recommend the right model for you.

If your business is new, the 2/3 tank Leonardo model will satisfy your work

  • If you have 10/13 flower pots, the Leonardo 2 tank model is sufficient
  • If you have 13/20 flower pots, the Leonardo 3/4 tank model or the Titano
  • If you have 20/25 flower pots, the Titano model or the Leonardo model with 4 or 5 tanks is ideal.

Translated into stems contained in our displays:

In the Leonardo model there are approximately 100/150 stems in each tub, therefore:

  • 300 stems in a Leonardo 2
  • 450 stems in a Leonardo 3
  • 600 stems in a Leonardo 4
  • 750 stems in a Leonardo 5

While in a Titan model there are around 900 flower stems.

Naturally, our offices and our representatives are at your disposal to advise you on the model best suited to your needs.

Contact us to find out more!

Mara Verbena Affi - Associazione fiorcoltori e fioristi Italiani Fiori Italiani Locanda Jole Consolato onorario del Messico nella repubblica di San Marino Gabriella Flowers - Yacth flowers supplies