

The modular Leonardo model allows for great flexibility and modularity.

Leonardo with 2 tanks (tank height 95 cm and 75 cm)
The 2-bowl model can expand to 3 (the third bowl will be 85 cm high)
The 3-bowl model (bowl height 95 cm / 75 cm / 55 cm) can expand up to 5
To make it 4 basins we will add the 65 cm basin
To make it 5 tubs we will add the 85 cm.

Exhibition capacity

Approximately 150 stems in variety for each tub, approximately 8 of the traditional flower pots.
For example: a 3-basin Leonardo contains 450 stems, approximately 18 of the traditional vases.

Bathtub height measurements: 95cm, 85cm, 75cm, 65cm, 55cm.

Leonardo model colors available

The basic color is Aqua green ral 6019, it can be painted in your favorite color or there is the possibility of customizing it with adhesive films

Request information

Leonardo technical data sheet
Request information on Fior d'Acqua
Mara Verbena Affi - Associazione fiorcoltori e fioristi Italiani Fiori Italiani Locanda Jole Consolato onorario del Messico nella repubblica di San Marino Gabriella Flowers - Yacth flowers supplies