
Advantages and Savings

Investing in a Fior d'Acqua display has multiple advantages

Beauty, sustainability, savings. Discover the Fior d'Acqua green revolution in the world of cut flower conservation.
The secret of Fior d'Acqua is in its refrigerated tanks with continuous renewal of the oxygenation of the water. Prolongs the life of flowers and their display period

Extraordinary Water Savings: the water is changed only once a month, it consumes and wastes less.

Longevity of Flowers: flowers last longer, maintaining their beauty and freshness.

Zero Waste: Reduces flower waste, as the chilled water slows down their flowering, allowing for prolonged sales and reducing waste.

Goodbye Thermal Stress: Eliminates the damage caused by the thermal stress of the usual cold rooms.

Investing in Fior d'Acqua is not an expense, but a profit. With a cost amortization in just 6 months, and the rental option with final redemption, your daily expense of just 5 euros turns into a net profit of at least 30 euros per day. Combine your passion for flowers with the vision of a greener, more profitable future for your business.

Savings table at work
daily maintenance of flowers and vasesannual number of hoursaverage hourly costtotal annual savings
1 hour32010,00€ 3.200
1,5 hours48010,00€ 4.800
2 hours64010,00€ 6.400
Waste saving table
total monthly purchase (in euros)15% recovery on the total (in euros)Total annual savings
1.000,00150,00€ 1.800,00
1.500,00225,00€ 2.700,00
2.000,00300,00€ 3.600,00
3.000,00450,00€ 5.400,00
4.000,00600,00€ 7.200,00
5.000,00750,00€ 9.000,00
Mara Verbena Affi - Associazione fiorcoltori e fioristi Italiani Fiori Italiani Locanda Jole Consolato onorario del Messico nella repubblica di San Marino Gabriella Flowers - Yacth flowers supplies